Welchman Hall, St Thomas, Barbados, West Indies
$ 1,000,000 BBD
$ 500,000 USD

Property ID: 0970
No. Bedrooms: 3
No. Bathrooms:
Building floor area: 4,360 sq ft
Land area: 8,447 sq ft
Garage spaces: 1


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Description: This impressive 2 1/4 storey triple family property with great potential, located in Welchman Hall St. Thomas, is up for sale. It sits on a generous plot of land with a substantial building size. The structure boasts a reinforced concrete foundation, beams, slabs, and columns, along with reinforced hollow concrete blockwork. Permaclad is fixed to pitch pine rafters and tongue-and-groove boarding, complemented by aluminum windows with security bars on the ground floor. Externally, the doors are hardwood/panel, while internally, they are pine panel/hollow core flush.

The house includes the following:

Ground floor: Bedroom, bathroom, staircase, foyer, kitchen, dining room, split-level living room, steps, lobby, laundry, powder room, family room, patio, and garage.

First floor: Kitchen, living room, dining room, lobby, study, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, foyer, and staircase.

External features consist of a driveway, pavement, fencing, and landscaping/kitchen garden with plenty of fruit trees. The property offers hot and cold water plumbing with standard sanitary ware and solar water heating. Additionally, it is outfitted with 110/220 volts supply, specialty lighting, and ceiling fans.

Situated in a rural middle-income residential neighborhood, the property is conveniently located a quarter-mile north of Harrison Cave and is just a 15-minute drive to Warrens, where all commercial amenities can be found. Public transportation passes within seconds’ walk from the house.

Call or email us at On Eagles Wings Inc. to set up your viewing.

For additional information or to make an appointment:
Property reference No.: 0970
Call: 246.437.8910
Email: sales@oneagleswings.ws 

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