ST Stephens, St Michael, Barbados, West Indies
$ 220,000 bbd
$ 110,000 USD

Property ID: 0945 – OFF PLATFORM
No. Bedrooms:
No. Bathrooms: 1
Building floor area: 1,007 sq ft
Land area: 8,336 sq ft
Garage spaces: open area

Description: This property is on the St. Stephens Hill main road. The property also has an additional rented structure on it (rent being paid to use land). The house has three bedrooms and one bathroom. It also contains a living and dining room, kitchen and a front patio. Note: The property has several areas that show cracks that will require engineering attention. Call or email us at On Eagles Wings Inc. to set up your viewing. 

For additional information or to make an appointment:
Property reference No.: 0945
Call: 246.437.8910

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